Popular TV Series in mid 1960's Get Smart, an American comedy show aired from 1965 - 1970. The Series was created by Mel Brooks and Buck Henry. It was nominated for fourteen Emmys, two Golden Globe and won seven Emmys. Two movie versions are produced for this series.
The story about Secret Agent No. 86, Maxwell Smart who assigned to foil the KAOS plans who wanted to take over the world. He took all his misadventures, together with his assistant, Ms. Agent 99 who always there to help him and later become his wife and mother of twin. With those cool gadgets Agent Smart use, making phone calls using bologna sandwich or on his shoes, a kitchen sink used as camera, tape recorder or as weapon, a finger-gun turned into a weapon and more things he use are so wacky to fight KAOS and free the world.
Final seasons of the series, Max and Ms. Agent got married and gifted with twins who later became also agents. Max is the chief of the CONTROL and Ms. Agent 99 as a Congresswoman. In the final episode, Max accidentally pressed the atomic bomb button before the show end.
Award-Winning hit Comedy TV Series Get Smart DVD available complete 5 seasons & 138 episodes at TV Shows on DVD