The Batman 1960 TV Series, a story of multi-billionaire man Bruce Wayne living in Gotham city who also the man behind the custom and codename as Batman.
A crime fighting superhero with his advance high-tech gadgets and vehicle, capture criminals and bring them to justice. Together with his sidekick Robin, a former circus acrobat, they fight big time criminals such as the Joker, Penguin, Scarecrow, the Riddler and Catwoman.
A crime fighting superhero with his advance high-tech gadgets and vehicle, capture criminals and bring them to justice. Together with his sidekick Robin, a former circus acrobat, they fight big time criminals such as the Joker, Penguin, Scarecrow, the Riddler and Catwoman.
Full TV Series Season in 120 episodes on DVD, shown exactly as aired in American Television, available at TV Shows on DVD