A 60's classic comedy of a family living in rural town Hooterville, trying to get rich quick, running the Shady Rest Hotel, living within rural lifestyle escaping from hectic urban life and although nothing much ever happens, the their living situation gives comic humors and a wholesome family life situation. The series happenings followed on The Shady Hotel, owned by a cook expert and hospitable but widow Kate Bradley with her three beautiful daughters Billie Jo(the eldest, blond and boy-crazy), Bobbie Jo (the brunette, astute and literate) and Betty Jo (the redheaded, a tomboy), with her Uncle Joe (a genial old gentleman but lazy, "General Manager" always finding any way of getting out of the hotel once the work is done).
The Shady Hotel, located directly between the farming valley of Hooterville and its only slightly more "evolved" neighbor of Pixley can only be reached by the Hooterville Cannonball, an ancient steam-driven train (town's chief public transportation) taking regular stops in order to go fishing or pick fruit for Kate Bradley's menu. The title "Petticoat Junction", the "petticoat" implied that Kate's three daughters swam nude in a water tower and their petticoats hung over in the side while the "junction" refers to the hotel situated on a train line. The shows "villain" was J, Homer Bedloe who attempted to shutdown the Cannonball, but never succeeding.
The Shady Hotel, located directly between the farming valley of Hooterville and its only slightly more "evolved" neighbor of Pixley can only be reached by the Hooterville Cannonball, an ancient steam-driven train (town's chief public transportation) taking regular stops in order to go fishing or pick fruit for Kate Bradley's menu. The title "Petticoat Junction", the "petticoat" implied that Kate's three daughters swam nude in a water tower and their petticoats hung over in the side while the "junction" refers to the hotel situated on a train line. The shows "villain" was J, Homer Bedloe who attempted to shutdown the Cannonball, but never succeeding.
The Petticoat Junction, created by Paul Henning, shared success and considered as The Beverly Hillbillies "sister series". The show completed 7 seasons with total of 222 episodes and was aired from September 1963 lasted until April 1970., now available on DVD.