The Transformers TV Series
The Transformers ('Fight! Super Robot Life Form Transformers' in Japan), most popular robotic cartoon TV series in the 80's (first seen in late 1983), was made by US/Japan Co-Production (under Hasbro/Marvel & TOEI Animation) produced by Sunbow Production, features the giant robots who could think & feel and capable to transform themselves into vehicles, animals or other objects. The show truly captured the hearts, imaginations and minds of children worldwide as well as Transformers in comic books, toys and movie.
Million years ago, in a distant corner of universe, a metal planet called Cybertron, life existed in form of giant-intelligent sentient robots who could feel and transform themselves into different form of vehicles and weapons, they are called Transformers (created by secret race of multi-faced aliens called Quintessons). A city was inhabited by races divided into two clans engaged in a war over supremacy – the heroic Autobots (transform into cars) led by Optimus Prime wishing peaceful co-existence between everyone and evil Decepticons(transform into military hardware) led by Megatron sought conflict and military dominations. With energon supplies running low, Autobots built & launched Ark spacecraft to locate new source of energy while Decepticons aboard space-cruiser Nemesis attacked/sabotaged the Ark resulting both ships crash landing in pre-historic Earth (Ark into side of dormant volcano while Nemesis into remote region of South America), both buried underground and all robots were deactivated. Four million years later, in 1984 a volcanic eruption bring ships into surface reawakening automatic system computer (Teletraan I), repair & modified both transformers to mimic Earth, and the clans continue the war now more ferociously where Decepticons wished to drain Earth resources & enslave humanity while Autobots committed themselves stopping them and protecting human race.
Million years ago, in a distant corner of universe, a metal planet called Cybertron, life existed in form of giant-intelligent sentient robots who could feel and transform themselves into different form of vehicles and weapons, they are called Transformers (created by secret race of multi-faced aliens called Quintessons). A city was inhabited by races divided into two clans engaged in a war over supremacy – the heroic Autobots (transform into cars) led by Optimus Prime wishing peaceful co-existence between everyone and evil Decepticons(transform into military hardware) led by Megatron sought conflict and military dominations. With energon supplies running low, Autobots built & launched Ark spacecraft to locate new source of energy while Decepticons aboard space-cruiser Nemesis attacked/sabotaged the Ark resulting both ships crash landing in pre-historic Earth (Ark into side of dormant volcano while Nemesis into remote region of South America), both buried underground and all robots were deactivated. Four million years later, in 1984 a volcanic eruption bring ships into surface reawakening automatic system computer (Teletraan I), repair & modified both transformers to mimic Earth, and the clans continue the war now more ferociously where Decepticons wished to drain Earth resources & enslave humanity while Autobots committed themselves stopping them and protecting human race.
The fantastic cartoon tv series, The Transformers was premiered on September 1984 and lasted until November 1987, completed 4 seasons with 98 episodes, now available on DVD.
The Transformer 1984 TV Series Voice Cast Actors:
- Peter Cullen ........... Optimus Prime, Iron Hide, Slugslinger, Wingspan & Streetwise
- Aron Kincaid ........... Sky Lynx
- Frank Welker ........... Megatron, Galvatron, Soundwave, Wheelie, Rumble, Mirage, Blades, Chromedome, Frenzy, Groove, Mixmaster, Skywarp & Slu
- Rob Paulsen ........... Air Raid, Chase , Fastlane & Slingshot
- Casey Kasem ........... Cliff Jumper, Telatran-1, Bluestreak & Dr. Archeville
- John Stephenson ........... Alpha Trion, Huffer, Kup, Thundercracker & Windcharger
- Michael Bell ........... Bombshell, Brainstorm, First Aid, Prowl, Sideswipe, Scrapper & Swoop
- Jim Cummings ........... Afterburner & Rippersnapper
- Charlie Adler ........... Silverbolt &Triggerhappy Duros
- David Mendenhall ........... Daniel
- Brad Garrett ........... Trypticon
- Ed Gilbert ........... Blitzwing, Thrust & Superion
- Corey Burton ........... pike Witwicky, Brawn, Shockwave, Sunstreaker, Wideload
- Victor Caroli ........... Narrator
- Neil Ross ........... Bonecrusher, Crosshairs, Hook, Monzo, Pointblank, Sixshot, Slag & Springer
- Michael Chain ........... Hoist, Powerglide & Red Alert
- Ron Feinberg ........... Headstrong
- Jack Angel ........... Astrotrain, Omega Supreme, Ramjet, Smokescreen & Ultra Magnus
- Regis Cordic ........... Menasor