Even Stevens TV Series
A popular and critically-acclaimed family program on Disney Channel (in 'Zoog Weekendz' lineup), Even Stevens Comedy TV Series considered the most successful and most delightful show from the network. The show focuses on the two youngest siblings of an upper-class family, who characterized extremely different from each other, one who almost perfect daughter while the other one who's trying find his place in an over-achiever family but he done it in comedic manner, that's how he score to make himself 'even' with other members of his family, making the show funny and entertaining all the way. Even the series got a quite popularity, good ratings and won awards, Disney applied their 65 episode policy.
The youngest Louis Anthony Stevens belongs to an upper-class family living in Sacramento, California; his mother Eileen was a successful state senator, his father Steve was previously athlete and now a high-powered lawyer, his brother Donald 'Donnie' excel in sports while his sister Ren was a perfectionist, intelligent, class President and a cheerleader, and Louis can't find his place among his successful family. He usually involved in practical jokes and very funny sense, he always distract and annoy her sister Ren, and he do a get-rich-quick schemes where he always take in trouble. Good thing Louis got his girlfriend Tawny Dean, his best friend Alan Twitty and some of his friends like Thomas “Tom” Gribalski and Bearnard “Beans” Aranguren on his side helping him out of situations. Even Louis is so hilarious and always in trouble, he has a huge heart and a wannabe comedian to make his family proud.
Disney's Even Steven was premiered June 17, 2007 and lasted until June 2, 2003, completed 3 seasons with 65 episodes, now available on DVD.
- Shia LaBeouf .............. Louis Stevens
- Christy Carlson Romano ............. Ren Stevens
- Nick Spano .............. Donnie Stevens
- Tom Virtue ............. Steve Stevens
- Donna Pescow ............. Eileen Stevens
- A.J. Trauth .............. Alan Twitty
- Margo Harshman .............. Tawny Dean
- Fred Meyers ............. Tom Gribalski