Jem Musical Cartoon Series
Jem was an animated musical tv series create by Hasbro, a fashion, action/adventure show about a girl with her earrings transform her into a holographic image alter ego popular singer named Jem with a band called Holograms, in their glamorous exciting adventures around the world touching people's heart with their hit songs.
Jerrica Benton was the owner of a foster home for young girls The Starlight Foundation and The Starlight Music company. Before her father died, he gave her a very special gift called Synergy, a holographic computer system that can create realistic holograms of things virtually and an star-shaped earrings, it transform Jerrica into a glamorous pop singer Jem. With the band Holograms compose of Jerrica's young sister Kimber plays on keyboard, Shana Elmsford plays drum, Aja Leith on guitar and Raya Carmen Alonso as new drummer when Shana left, and along with Jerrica's boyfriend and manager Rio Pacheco, they travel and take adventures in US, France, Italy and China together with music. But with a competing band called Misfits, they take even further new journey around US, Mexico, Shangri-La and England.
Jem beloved 80's pop rock cartoon series outrageously excelled in 3 seasons ran from October 1985 until May 1988 with total of 65 episodes.
- Samantha Newark as Jem & Jerrica Benton
- Britta Phillips as Jerrica Benton singing voice
- Cindy McGee as Shana Elmsford
- Cathianne Blore as Kimber Benton & Aja Leith
- Linda Dangcil as Raya Carmen Alonso
- Michael Sheehan as Rio Pacheco
- Patricia Alice Albrecht as Pizzazz & Phyllis Gabor
- Ellen Bernfeld as Pizzazz singing voice
- Townsend Coleman as Riot & Rory Llewelyn
- Charlie Adler as Eric Raymond
- Kath Soucie as Minx & Ingrid Kruger
- Bobbie Block as Roxy & Roxanne Pelligrini
- Marlene Aragon as Synergy
- Louise Dorsey as Jetta & Sheila Burns
- Vicki Sue Robinson as Rapture/Phoebe Ashe
- Ellen Gerstell as Rapture & Phoebe Ashe
- Susan Blu as Stormer & Mary Phillips