The - Quack Pack - Adventures
Quack Pack, a Walt Disney's animated TV series, follows the adventures of triplet nephews Huey, Dewey & Louie with their Uncle Donald Duck. The triplets from being young innocent, tow-headed tykes & more serious characters especially in 1987 “Duck Tales”, they are now grown denser, hot blooded & hormonal teenagers (portraying like human in adolescence) attracted & love to chase girls while their “Uncle D” in his middle-age, frantic less-compelling guardian & very loving “parent” to the three, as well as Daisy in her modern 90's women. The great revolution of character personalities plus humor--biting, sarcastic, witty and intelligent story lines give mark of success to the series.
In Quack Pack, nephews tormenting under the parenting concern of their Uncle Donald who was working as cameraman of his love interest, career-driven reporter, Daisy in a television news show called “What in the World”. The triplets with their new individual personalities and hip lingo attire, the leader Huey in his red collared shirt with sleeves rolled up over a matching T, the smart Dewey in his sports something mop-top/mushroom haircut & blue-toned pinstripe baseball jersey with blue T-shirt underneath, and the a bit clueless but sweet Louie now entails backwards green baseball cap & tank top sando. The boys in their saccharine cuteness, wacky hysterical teenage hood adventures, attractions with human ladies, their silly slapstick heavy comedy & playing practical jokes with their hapless Uncle D, they always get in trouble.
In Quack Pack, nephews tormenting under the parenting concern of their Uncle Donald who was working as cameraman of his love interest, career-driven reporter, Daisy in a television news show called “What in the World”. The triplets with their new individual personalities and hip lingo attire, the leader Huey in his red collared shirt with sleeves rolled up over a matching T, the smart Dewey in his sports something mop-top/mushroom haircut & blue-toned pinstripe baseball jersey with blue T-shirt underneath, and the a bit clueless but sweet Louie now entails backwards green baseball cap & tank top sando. The boys in their saccharine cuteness, wacky hysterical teenage hood adventures, attractions with human ladies, their silly slapstick heavy comedy & playing practical jokes with their hapless Uncle D, they always get in trouble.
A year of the triplets adventures in Quack Pack TV series from September 1996 until September 1997, completed 1 season with 35 episodes, now available on DVD.
The Quack Pack DVD at TV Shows on DVD
Quack Pack Voice Casts:
Quack Pack Voice Casts:
- Donald Duck ....... voice by Tony Anselmo
- Daisy Duck ....... voice by Katie Souchie
- Huey Duck ....... voice by Jeannie Elias
- Dewey Duck ....... voice by Pamela Adlon
- Louie Duck ....... voice by Elizabeth Daily
- Ludwing Von Duck ....... voice by Corey Burton
- Gwumpki ....... voice by Pat Fraley
- Kent Powers ....... voice by Roger Rose