A Saturday morning animated tv series, a continuation and spin off from the popular cartoon TV show, Josie And The PussyCats, a more exciting and new story series as the gang accidentally gets launched into the outer space. The Josie and The Pussycats characters was came from 1968 popular comic book series, Archie and His Friends (Josie McCoy first introduced), Josie formed all-girl pop music band with Melody Valentine and Valerie Brown (wears leopard printed leotard shirt with long tails and cat ears hat), band's roadie and Josie boyfriend Alan M. Mayberry, rich cowardly manager Alexander Cabot III with his twin snobbish sneaky and mean sister Alexandra (have serious crush with Alan) with a black white cat pet Sebastian (reincarnation of a witchcraft ancestor of Cabots).
In Josie and the Pussycats in Outer Space series, the band was invited to play at the launch of new NASA spaceship, soon they ride the top gantry of the ship for photo pose but the bumbling Alexandra attempts to knock Josie out of spotlight with body slam bump Josie causing them all go tumbling inside the Rocketship X-M through it's open hatch. Alexandra pulls the launch lever, taking off the ship good thing smart Valerie managed to operate the ship, they face trouble and adventures in outer space chasing with some alien race dictators capture them, perform couple of musical number (alien comatose as they starts to play) and they able to escape return to Earth but Alexandra trying to win Alan always messing things up turning the ship off-course and land to another planet. Cuddly blob-like alien Bleep join and help their adventures.
Josie and The Pussycats in Outer Space cartoon tv series was debuted from 1972 lasted until 1974, created and produced by William Hanna-Joseph Barbera production, now available on DVD.
Voice Casts:
- Josie McCoy ........ Janet Waldo (Voice) / Cathy Douglas(Singing Voice)
- Alan M. Mayberry ....... Jerry Dexter (Voice)
- Sherry Alberoni ....... Alexandra Cabot (Voice)
- Melody Valentine ....... Jackie Joseph (Voice) / Cheryl Ladd (Singing Voice)
- Valerie Brown ....... Barbara Pariot (Voice) / Patrice Holloway (Singing Voice)
- Alexander Cabot III ....... Casey Kasem (Voice)
- Alien Bleep/ Cat Sebastian ....... Don Messick (Voice)