Savannah TV Series
Savannah drama series produced by Spelling Production and created by Constance Burge, was a soap opera about three female best friends Reese Burton, Peyton Richards and Lane McKenize bonded together since high school in all happy times, bad times, conflicts, revenges but they kept their friendships alive, they grew up in Savannah, Georgia.
Aspiring newspaper writer Lane become a successful journalist in New York, she returned to Savannah on her best friend and a stereotype millionaire-daughter Reese with Travis Peterson, but he was having affair with Peyton. Lucille Richard, Peyton's mom has few secrets with Reese's father Ed Burton while Tom Massick planning his revenge over Ed who he think responsible on his father's death. The three girl's loyal friendship was rocked by adultery, fraud, conspiracy, infidelity, revenge and murder but always find ways to make it through.
Aspiring newspaper writer Lane become a successful journalist in New York, she returned to Savannah on her best friend and a stereotype millionaire-daughter Reese with Travis Peterson, but he was having affair with Peyton. Lucille Richard, Peyton's mom has few secrets with Reese's father Ed Burton while Tom Massick planning his revenge over Ed who he think responsible on his father's death. The three girl's loyal friendship was rocked by adultery, fraud, conspiracy, infidelity, revenge and murder but always find ways to make it through.
Savannah soap opera lasted only two seasons ended in cliffhanger soap-style after 32 episodes ran from January 1996 to February 1997.