Blake's 7 TV Series
The series was set in the third century and follows the life of an alpha-grade worker, Roj Blake. He was falsely accused for a crime molesting a child, he was sentenced to deport in prison planet, Cygnus Alpha. Along he met co-prisoners, a cunning thief Vila Restal, smuggler Jenna Stannis, Olga Gan with her case of murdering a Federation guard and computer genius Kerr Avon who attempted to defraud the Federation Banking system. Blake's group managed to escape from Federation guards, they boarded an advanced alien spaceship called 'The Liberator', the war ship that posses superior power and weaponry and is capable a teleport system. Blake leads the revolution against Federation government attacking and taking down it's main ships, they take their journey along Milky Way seeking way to gain freedom.
Blake's 7 completed 4 seasons with 52 episodes, now available on special DVD package.
- Gareth Thomas as Roj Blake
- Michael Keating as Vila Restal
- Paul Darrow as Kerr Avon
- Jacqueline Pearce as Servalan
- Josette Simon as Dayna Mellanby
- Sally Knyvette as enna Stannis